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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A new year and past festivities

We had Christmas trees with lollipops in the office to get into the Xmas spirit! 

So Christmas has come and gone. Those awkward family gatherings spent together that is full of resentment and unpleasant moments, also thankfully done. For our Xmas we were at my Sweetheart's family's farm, and that in itself was an enlightening experience. I learnt that one should not have the feeding area of your livestock situated in a close proximity to your house, as you will have a SHITuation on your hands. The smell of cow crap and buzzing black flies is not at all what one is looking forward to for summery Christmas in the south.

Christmas cupcakes for our party

Chocolate wreaths decorations

Cheesy Xmas messages

Junk food at Xmas party

There was lots of singing, the aunts competing on their soprano skills in their rendition of Silent Night, and me cutting in with my tone deaf sing song. There were awkward, very deep, primarily inappropriate questions asked at the dinner table that you won't even ask your BFF let alone guests over a Christmas table. There was a time when I missed my dysfunctional, alcoholic family, as there are no emotional breakdowns just jovial eating and drinking at my house. There is however my dad walking around in a waaay too short and tight pants, my brothers are shirtless, my mom sweating and panting because she was cooking up a storm since 5am the morning and children running around screaming & laughing ...

Getting into the Xmas spirit

So after all the Xmas parties and being merry, I have started my exercise schedule again of zumba, zumba and yoga... Did ZenPilates but nothing zen about that, it still hurts :) As I am aiming to be healthy to build a strong immune system since I got ill first week of Jan and will not get ill again this year. I refuse to and that's that, my mind's made up. So we have come off the cheese and treats sauce and only the health boat.

Family antics at the farm

Family back home

My dad in longer than usual shorts and my mom over heating after all the cooking

Some very festive Christmas pudding

I have been really enjoying coconut water this summer and love the company's (that makes these coconut waters) new make over to their factory. They placed a plane on their factory facing the R59 highway.
Green peppercorns is also rocking my world, I use it in sauces, salads, on sarmies, omelettes, in pretty much everything.

Nature's Choice Factory

Coconut water is most refreshing drink of 2013

Green peppercorns

It is also back to school and below are my two nephews in their school uniforms. It is the eldest senior year in primary school and next year will be going to high school. Too cute!

Too cute in their uniforms and little hats

OMG I found this panda toothbrush at the pharmacy, it is so cute! If it wasn't for a 4 year old, I soooo would have bought it or if I knew a 4 year old to buy it for. It's got a light timer that's just what I need, why can't they make them for grown ups!?

Little panda toothbrush

For New Year's Eve I was ill, so it was not very exciting, we had a braai and enjoyed some trout with MCC and sparkling water on our veranda. There was a free fireworks show as the surrounding hills in the area we live in came alive with an impressive array of light displays. The neighbours were all in competition with each other to out do the previous guy's attempt. As the one guy would set off a bigger firework display than the previous guy. We enjoyed it thoroughly though...

New Years Eve trout

Well that is all from me, as it is back to the manic times with deadlines and opportunities to chase.

Have a great week :)
