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Monday, April 8, 2013

Friends are the best!!!

I love my friends very much, they are amazeballs and super amazing people...
Here are a few reasons why they are just so darn great and make my life a lot more interesting!

They are a little cra-cra!

They are girls and guy, who don't mind hanging out in their bathrobes

When the beats are pumpin' they break it down like it's hawt!

They make you little avatars of yourself (even though it makes you look like hippie) 

They go a little ape sometimes...

They send you pics of the mountain when you get homesick

They send you kitteh funnies all the time!

They make fun of you after you told them that you smashed the floor at the gym!

They send you puggie funnies and cuties :)

They drink...

They hang out with giant pandas - you've got to love that

They have the cutest little puppies

They chat up a storm - we catch up on all the stories from the weekend on Monday lunch hour

They set your desktop picture with a cute puggie!

They got your back and they stick together...

They wear the big girl panties as one!

They play-play surf as one!

They wear a giraffe jumpsuit as one!

Friends are the best - they make you laugh, they stick by you when times are tough and it's just great to be a good friend to someone else too!


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