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Sunday, February 9, 2014

What a week...

So to say that this was a helluva week is an understatement, the one great thing is that my Sweetheart is not working night shift this week but he has been working the whole week including this weekend. We are so used to exhaustion that we don't complain anymore and just carry on as this is our normality. Some more of the bad stuff then we will get to the good...

Then there was a garden wedding of one of my family members that we went to, where the sprinklers went off during the ceremony. Then it poured with rain and we all sat with umbrellas in a little garden, shivering and soaking wet having awkward conversations but persevered from the afternoon till the evening. I then tested my driving skills in driving through river like roads to work as the whole of Jo'burg experienced flooding due to the heavy rains. My little Jamba (pet name for my Nissan Juke) held its own and can luckily swim :)

It was a Kraken of a week filled with fury

The river to work, this was shallow waters still, that's why I was able to take a pic

The garden wedding

We had a watches and jewellery sale at our head office and were running up and down from our desks until I fell up the escalator - pulled the muscles around my scapula and bruised my ego as well as my arms and legs but luckily no broken bones. My boss unleashed the Kraken and went bat shit crazy as she has some personal medical procedure she is going through, and flips her lid at every turn, so it has been particularly tough! My planner has moved to another department but it was not all bad, we partied, and celebrated his time with us. At our sale we gave away a lot of hampers that made people in the office's day as they also had tough weeks. You know the world of hurt that awaits you when you don't make sales and customers are just not buying...We put on our red lips and are feeling positive for Valentine's Day sales. I got my weekly dose of Kill la Kill, and it never disappoints, the creators of this show are just awesome, the concept and story line is brilliant and the characters so interesting that you cannot stop watching! Oh and I am starting to learn Spanish on my Duolingo app, trying to get closer to that Spanish trip dream of mine.

Make the owl happy practice everyday - Si Senor lechuza!

My brother started his own carpentry business and looks like it is going well

We say farewell by partying

And being silly

We dust ourselves off and put on our red lips!

Make some happy customers

Make them winners

And then win some more!

I had a great 1 1/2 hours at the new Zumba Step launch, yes doing Zumba on a step and yes it hurts afterwards but it was a great cardio session! Everything hurts and it feels goood. We went to a family 30th in an extravagant Lebanese Bedfordview style home - an entertainment home that looks like it is out of a magazine or was maybe on an episode of Top Billing (not sure but OTT). A view of the whole Jo'burg, a designer garden, rooms upon rooms, a hotel car drop off area, maids, a cinema room. I have never seen so many business men, models, gym bunnies and I don't know what else in one area, the drink and food was a never ending river of over indulging. It felt fleeting, pretentious and dreamlike. It made me grateful for what I have, my life until thus far and that I have someone to share all experiences with, it is real not perfect but real and I would not change it for anything.

So here is to being more grateful and to a better, brighter week that is full of experiences and surprises!


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