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Friday, February 22, 2013

My favourite magazines

My two favourite magazines that I enjoy reading, is Taste magazine from Woolworths (available monthly) and The Coffee Magazine (available quarterly). They contain my two keen interests, which is cooking and coffee...and are jam packed with recipes, ideas and interesting (travel) articles. I use to enjoy Fashion magazines but nowadays they are mostly filled with celebrity gossip instead of trends and I feel that you can go online or visit fashion houses' websites or go to the shops or just chat and observe what people are wearing to see what's trending.

Coffee Magazine

Taste magazine

As we are staying in a lot more these days where I love to do home cooking and experimenting. I enjoy two magazines that are available on a yearly basis:  The 2012 issue of the Eatin magazine is a great shopping guide that gives tips, lists and recommends where to find for instance the best bakeries, fishmongers, markets, butchers, etc. We discovered a few places through this guide in the Free State and Gauteng already. I cannot wait to get the 2013 issue...and explore more new places. I also enjoy the Eatout magazine that gives reviews, average price and advice on restaurants to go to in your area. It is great to reference and I keep these magazines in the car permanently for when we are in the mood for a little rendezvous...

Great shopping guide in Eatin  magazine

Great restaurant guide in Eatout magazine

My sweetheart enjoys his Popular Mechanics, such a little engineer. So cute! And then he brings home the Sasol Techvoice for me so I can get the know who's who and what research is being done at the R&D... in the latest issue there was an article of his group's research project on concentrated solar power technology to provide renewable electricity for their company.  So proud!

Popular Mechanics and Techvoice magazines

Wishing you a fantabulous weekend, enjoy reading your favourite magazines :)

'Till next time,

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